Check Out The Quality Of Life Updates For THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: SKYWARD SWORD HD

As we are nearing July 16th, Nintendo is starting to show off a bit more aspects to their upcoming remaster of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD. The latest of these interest-grabbing trailers gives us a quick update on the quality of life features they are bringing to the game. Honestly, this is probably the most important of the trailers leading up to a remastered game’s launch because it is the difference between whether the game is worth getting or if players should just keep playing the original version.

In the above trailer, you will find that they go over and display these features, which includes:

  • Optional Help from Fi - this feature will aid you in progressing through the game when you aren’t sure what to do next.

  • Enhanced Control Options - providing players the choice between full button controls or the use of motion controls with their Switch Joycon controllers.

  • Additional Features, including enhanced frame rates, fast-forward dialogue, streamlined item information, and skippable cutscenes.

Fans of the original version of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword definitely have a pretty solid remaster to look forward to this month. Now they just have to decide whether to get the digital or physical version of the game.

ICYMI - here’s the original overview trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, which includes the reveal of their newest Amiibo collectable figure.