CYBERPUNK 2077 Has Been Delayed Yet Again


CD Projekt Red sideswiped gamers today with the announcement that Cyberpunk 2077 would indeed be delayed again. This news comes just weeks after the game had “Gone Gold”, which means that it’s 100% finished in terms of playability. It’s interesting to see that the November 19th release won’t make the cut but it isn’t surprising given the circumstances of the world right now. The news broke on Twitter just a few hours ago, and here’s the tweet itself below.


It appears that the biggest perpetrator for CD Projekt Red stems from the ongoing pandemic. Their employees are all working from home and that can have an impact on getting things done. They’re making sure that every platform that the game runs on is finely tuned for it and that all versions of it ship at the same time. It’s highly commendable that they’re being transparent and not selling a game that isn’t worth their players’ time and money. I think more game publishers and developers should take a page from their book.

Honestly, I’ve lost count at this point of how many times this project has been pushed back. It’s one of my most anticipated games, and I know I’m not the only one salivating over it. I just cannot wait to check out Night City! The new date for Cyberpunk 2077’s release is December 10th, just in time for the holidays! You can pick it up on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, and Google Stadia.