Last Day To Back WOLFENSTEIN: THE BOARD GAME On Kickstarter

A lot has happened since the start of the Kickstarter campaign for Wolfenstein: The Board Game.

More than 36 stretch goals have been unlocked, backers will receive more than 14 free miniatures, and Archon Studio is offering both pre-assembled miniatures and lowered shipping costs for the board game. Not to mention the $600,000 in funding, which is more than 10 times the original goal.

So the board game is coming, and it’s going to be bigger and better than when it started.

And there’s only one day left to back it. If you want to join the roughly 4500 backers that are supporting the game, there’s little time left.

If you’ve missed our initial coverage of the game or the update during the Kickstarter campaign, then you might not know what the tabletop game is. It will be a cooperative dungeon crawler board game set in the Wolfenstein's universe.

And expect more updates and final announcements from Archon Studio as the game finishes the campaign. To get a look at the game or to join as a backer, check out the Kickstarter page.

Stay tuned for more tabletop news!