OTHERCIDE Release Date Announced In Latest Trailer

Throwing players into a dark world they will have to fight through to survive is the team over at Lightbulb Crew with the help of Focus Home Interactive. After being announced earlier this year during PAX East, many have been looking forward to hearing more about their upcoming title Othercide. Proving to have a nearly nonexistent wait time since their announcement, we have been given the release date of July 28th for PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One with Nintendo Switch planned to follow soon.

Not only do we get the release date, but there are short glimpses of gameplay in this new trailer and more details to the story behind the darkness. It does look like they plan to maintain the color scheme that was originally shown, even during in-game action. This is definitely a good call because the black and white aesthetic really gives that dark world feeling while bringing out the splashes of red to represent the effects of battle.

Check out the trailer above and let us know in the comments what you think of this upcoming dark tale adventure.