SEA OF THIEVES Devs Set Sail On Season 11 With A Deep Dive

Season 11 is coming up fast for Sea of Thieves and they’re not dropping anchor any time soon. With all the changes and additons to the game I’m sure you’ve got your questions. The devs were asked to explain themselves or walk the plank!

The devs explain their new take on the Quest Table. Their main goal was to make the game more structured gaming experience so newer players don’t feel so lost when starting up. The rework is meant to give players a one-stop shop where they’ll be able to select all quest types and actually plan out what they plan on doing for the session. Something that will make all you pirating pirates out there happy. They’ve made it easier for players to jump right into a voyage, meaning that people will likely be spending more time with treasure on their ships rather than having an empty ship, so raise those thieving flags and set sails.

The devs also reveal their new booty! Talking about loot of course, they added some new mechanics to reward players who are looking for a shorter gaming experience because they don’t have the time to go on a full journey and make it back to the outpost, now players will be able to complete a voyage just by finding the treasure and they will get experience for the faction and then they can leave it at that. No more having to make it back to the outpost to get anything. Also for those that are truly dedicated the art team really put some work into this season to bring some new loot as well. You can finally expect to see new tiers of everything, chests, treasure, skulls, and supplies.

Similarly to rewarding newer players and people with less time, they want to make world events more accessible to everyone while still keeping them meaningful. So now instead of needing to seek out an spend so much time journeying to the event, you’ll be able to complete Raid Voyages for each of the trading companies.

Now, the changes to the quest table do sort of make the traders from the trading companies sort of pointless so they have added some new features to keep them relevant! And a whole brand new experience to give new pirates the lay of the land has entered the brigade.

Check out a more in-depth version of everything mentioned below!

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