The Xbox Series X|S Is The Best Way To Play GRAND THEFT AUTO IV

No one truly knows when the inevitable GTA VI will launch, but many fans are using this waiting period to dive back into Rockstar’s other classic titles to keep the carjacking enthusiasts at ease. With the recent release of the definitive editions of the classic trilogy, Rockstar is well aware that fans are more than willing to dish out the cash to play these classic titles with updated visuals and elevated performance. It is easy to say that a remaster of Grand Theft Auto IV is likely to launch before we get any news about the latest entry in the series. However, GTA IV is currently best played on an unlikely contender.

GTA IV is known for having a less than desirable port on PC. In some cases, premium-built and higher spec PCs sometimes output a worse performance than lower-tier PCs for GTA IV. It really doesn't make much sense, but unfortunately, this is the result of terrible optimization. This kind of frustration causes PC players to seek assistance using mods and other means to help increase performance and graphical fidelity for the game, many of which are somewhat successful. 

The modding community for GTA IV is alive and well on PC. However, even with the help of mods, the game suffers from sudden crashes and performance dips on the beefiest PC setups. But do not fret! There is still hope to experience this awesome at near-optimal performance.

The best way to experience GTA IV today is on the Xbox Series X|S, period. The game has a steady 60 fps performance no matter what happens on screen and loading times are cut by over 60%. This is a big upgrade from the Xbox One that ran the game at 30 fps and little improvement in load times. The Xbox Series consoles deliver solid performance and quality of life upgrades to this classic title, but not all are perfect.

The game still only outputs at 720p resolution so the graphics may look a bit muddy. It still looks good on a 4K TV but its muddy look will be noticeable on larger screens, especially with the Series X|S upscaling. That being said, the game plays great. This is arguably the best game in the series and playing it on modern hardware makes it even more enjoyable. Say goodbye to those horrible 30 fps and frame drops while zooming through Liberty City and enjoy the game the way it was meant to be played. No crashes, no frame drops, and all crime drama. 

Grand Theft Auto IV can still be purchased on the Microsoft store for $19.99 but surely you can find a physical copy for lower. I suggest waiting for a sale if you do not already own this gem, but the digital copy is always preferred so you can take advantage of the fast SSD. Happy carjacking my fellow felons.

Let us know in the comments if you plan on giving GTA IV a try on your Xbox Series X|S!