Try Out SCARLET NEXUS With Their New Free Demo

As many of us are waiting for June 25th to play through Bandai Namco’s upcoming action-RPG title Scarlet Nexus, they have provided an opportunity to try out the game today! Players with an Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S get to go first as the new free demo is already available on that platform. PlayStation 4 and 5 owners will get their chance to experience this demo come May 28th. Unfortunately, there is no word if the demo will become available for PC players awaiting the Steam release.

Still, I have to say that I have always been a fan of free demos and think they are a smart way to convince potential players to pre-order the game. Even at the end of the demo announcement trailer, you can see a few of the benefits from pre-ordering the game before release. If you do find yourself interested in pre-ordering Scarlet Nexus after trying out the demo, be sure to check out their website for all details and rewards for pre-ordering.