Two New Editions Of TEKKEN 7 Deliver The Package Players Are Looking For

Whether you have been a fan of the TEKKEN series from the beginning or just got into the no-nonsense combat defined in TEKKEN 7, Bandai Namco has prepared a new way to get what you are looking for. With all the DLC’s that have been released for the seventh title in the series, it can be hard to get the full package, but now is the best time to get in on the action. Players can now get everything in one place with the Definite Edition and a roster-focused version with the Originals Edition.

The Definitive Edition comes stocked with the full game, bonus Eliza character, and all season pass DLC’s from seasons 1-4. You literally can get everything ever released, plus a bonus character, in a single package. The Originals Edition on the other hand includes the full game and 12 TEKKEN DLC characters along with the New Frame Rate Data Feature.

Now, if you are someone who has just been sitting on the sidelines waiting for the right moment to buy the game, this may be just what you were waiting for! Both of these TEKKEN 7 special editions are available for PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. As an added bonus opportunity, Steam users can still catch the base game for 85% off during the Steam Autumn Sale.