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A Development Build of STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT III Was Leaked on 4Chan

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away from the EA Games acquisition of the rights to all Star Wars games, the up-and-coming studio behind the TimeSplitters franchise was working on the third installment of the Star War Battlefront games. Free Radical had a nearly complete build of the game Star Wars Battlefront III that was ready to go into testing, before the plug was pulled. While many rumors have circulated since then about the reasons why, everyone can pretty much agree that it was a real bummer that it never saw the light of day. The game promised to push the Battlefront franchise into depths that not even the recent reboot accomplished. Amazing transitions from planet-side to space, seamlessly expanding the battle ground. Huge multiplayer matches that would make many modern games blush. All these great things were promised, even teased, but never delivered.

One 4Chan user (whose name I'd rather not repeat here, lest GLAD shuts us down while I scrub my mouth out with soap) managed to get his hands on a leaked and very hard to find copy of a developer's build. This version of the software was meant to be tested on Xbox 360 development kits, and will not run on any regularly distributed 360's. Even the latest Xbox 360 emulators haven't totally mastered the art of running development copies. But if you are lucky enough to own a development kit, or have a modded Xbox 360 capable of running these pieces of software then this is your chance to play a part of gaming history. Not owning any of these things, I haven't played it myself. First hand accounts have stated that it is buggy, and littered in frame rate issues. But this is pretty common place for early development builds.

While I can't condone downloading stolen or pirated software, for those looking to learn more about the leaked game, you can check out a link to the 4Chan post below. I've also added a video of the leaked build in action. It's a short clip, but it looks like it runs fairly smooth most of the time.