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A Physical Release Of HOLLOW KNIGHT Is On Its Way To The Nintendo Switch

Last week, the goth platformer game Hollow Knight was released digitally on the Nintendo Switch by developer Team Cherry, who also hinted that a physical release is in the works. 

Team Cherry dropped a hint during an AMA Session on Reddit where several fans asked the developers on whether Hollow Knight will ever get a physical cartridge for the Nintendo Switch. “Yep, we’re working on make it happen right now!” Team Cherry revealed. “Hopefully have some news to share very soon!”

In case you’re unaware of what Hollow Knight is all about, here is a brief description of the game from the Nintendo eShop:

“An epic action-adventure through a vast ruined kingdom of insects and heroes. Explore twisting caverns, battle tainted creatures and befriend bizarre bugs, all in a classic, hand-drawn 2D style.”

Initially released for the PC last year, Hollow Knight became a massive success with its unique graphical aesthetics and challenging level design. The game is currently available on the PC, Mac and Nintendo Switch. Lastly, for those who want to try the game out, Hollow Knight is presently discounted for the PC via the Steam Summer Sale.