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A PLAGUE TALE: INNOCENCE Reveals Their Emotional Story In Latest Trailer

While I have been following the progress of A Plague Tale: Innocence by Asobo Studio, the story itself has been rather vague. We got to see some of the dangers and details from their web series just a month back, but now we get a glimpse into the story itself. The atmosphere and tone of the game always had a dark style to it, but I didn’t realize just how deep it strikes until this story trailer.

Looks like we are in for another emotional roller coaster while trying to survive countless enemies and, worst of all, a biological one. Keeping your little brother safe after watching your parents taken away from you and then being on the run without a clear destination or safe location; there is sure to be some serious stumbling along the way. There is even the fact that at one point your little brother will end up sick, but let’s hope it’s not with the plague!

A good story always helps bring a game out to be one to remember based on whether or not it actually connects with the players. The gameplay itself seems to be the style that will keep players pushing forward and fighting through the challenges, but the story could very well make or break this kind of game.

Simply put, I am really looking forward to A Plague Tale and hope this is just the beginning of many in a series like it. What do you think of the story revealed in the trailer?