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Are You Prepared For PREDATOR: HUNTING GROUNDS Release In April?

With a new player-vs-player game coming out that will allow players to take on the role of either player or combat team member, there is a lot to consider. This upcoming Playstation exclusive is going to pin players against each other in roles that many have been looking forward since before the game was announced! Predator: Hunting Grounds by Illfonic isn’t the first to create a game styled like this, but it is shaping up to be among the top choices. So all that is left now is for players to prepare, but how can we do that?

Step 1: Know Your Enemy

It may have been awhile since you last saw a Predator movie or at least one that features the Predator. I highly recommend going back to these classic movies and giving them a fresh watch so that you know what you are going to be up against. Even if they don’t give options like covering yourself in mud, there were other tactics used to fight off the Predator. These are tactics you will want to have in mind when you stand on the hunting grounds.

Step 2: Practice Some PvP Gameplay

Since it is a PlayStation exclusive, I will keep this section focused on platform-specific options rather than mentioning aspects like Dead by Daylight being on Game Pass. It was over a year ago now that Dead by Daylight was a free game for PS Plus players and not too long ago that Friday the 13th was a free game. At least one of these games will be in your library, if not already downloaded. Hop onto these games and start getting used to playing both roles so that you aren’t coming into a new PvP without up-to-date practice on quick decision making and maneuver practice.

If you don’t have either of these games, for whatever reason, then start watching some YouTube videos of top gamers like Noob3 or reading up on some tips like my own Survivor’s Guide.

Step 3: Hit The Gun Range!

It is very apparent that whether you play as the Predator itself or as one of the combat team members, you will be firing a weapon towards your enemy. Be sure to hop onto a shooting game of your choice to get some aiming practice in. Even if you decide to just go into a practice match rather than play online against others, get used to firing a gun. It could easily be the difference between winning and losing the match.

Those are my 3 steps you should use to make sure you are prepared for the launch of Predator: Hunting Grounds on April 24th. If you haven’t yet, check out the latest trailer to see a mixture of cinematics and gameplay to help get you hyped for the next era of player-vs-player gaming: