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Are You Ready For World War 3 Simulator WARNO?

Eugen Systems is unveiling their upcoming title WARNO, a spiritual successor to Wargame. The project will release on Steam Early Access next month! Set as a World War III battle simulator that aims to be updated regularly with new content, units, game mechanics, scenarios, and campaigns.

At release, players will be able to play skirmish battles, solo and online, including huge battles of 10v10! The game will also show off Cold War-era arsenals of the United States and the Soviet Union. Set in 1989, an alternate universe begins to take shape where the Cold War escalates into a World War. NATO and the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact move into a divided Germany, where war is at hand!

The title looks to be immersive and realistic, allowing players to utilize their full arsenal of war, from conscripts to Spetsnaz, main battle tanks, attack helicopters, and stealth strike aircraft. Battle units that will be used were researched by developers in order to recreate what nations actually had during this era.

WARNO will launch in Early Access on Steam on January 20th, 2022. To learn more, check out the official reveal trailer below! We can’t wait to see this game and its epic battles come to life next month!