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ATARI Reveals New ATARIBOX Console Is in Development

When GamesBeat met up with Atari CEO, Fred Chesnais at E3 2017, one of the first questions they had in the interview was if the rumored AtariBox being in development was true. When the teaser video was released by Atari, many wondered if it was fake advertising, but Chesnais reveals that it is very, very real.

The last time Atari blessed us with a console was the Jaguar in 1993, discontinued in 1996. Even though Atari declared bankruptcy in 2013, Chesnais bought them and started them back up again. And it appears that Atari want back in the business, and there's a chance we might see more news in the year to come. 

Chesnais revealed in the interview that the AtariBox will be based on PC Technology. If you'de like to be kept up to date with more information, make sure to follow their website. I've reached out to them to see if they can provide us with some more details.

Here is the teaser reveal for the potential new console.