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Batman: Arkham Collection Released Today on Xbox One... At An Odd Price...

Alright Batman fans, who wants a complete collection of the Rocksteady Arkham games complete with every piece of post release content ever released?! Now who is willing to spend $60 dollars on such a collection? That’s right the Batman: Arkham Collection is going for full retail to the utter confusion of everyone. As mentioned above, This collection brings both the original Return to Arkham Collection (Arkham Asylum/Arkham City) and Arkham Knight along with all DLC expansions, skins and racetracks released to date. Each game has also been previously Xbox One X enhanced which translates to any version of the game.

Normally collections of older games like this release at a more reasonable $40 price point to try and drive lifetime sales higher by appealing to late adopters. This is where things get interesting though, you can get both the Return to Arkham and Arkham Knight games for a base price of $40 but it lacks all the DLC for Arkham Knight. Adding up all these missing pieces of DLC results in an additional Cost of ~$30. With that little tidbit in mind the price of the Arkham Collection makes a lot more sense. The problem with this approach though, is it really going to appeal to any late adopters to only save ~$10? Even releasing this collection at $50 would have made much more sense. As of this writing this collection has only been released on Xbox One.

If you haven’t picked up any of the Arkham games before, does this collection interest you?