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BATTLEBORN Continues The Fight With New DLC Mission And Multiplayer Mode

Its time for my semi-annual "you guys messed up not playing Battleborn rant". As with most games that tried to compete with Blizzard, the game found itself lost in a mass of memes and general confusion as to what the game was. 

If you still think it's "identical to Overwatch" you're ignorant and have never even watched gameplay of the game really. 

I'm not gonna dwell on that, as I've already made my peace and said my goodbyes to the sinking ship but it seems 2K has not. As they've said from the beginning, they are still moving forward with their planned DLC for the game. The first of which, Attikus and the Thrall Rebellion, drops today. 

The DLC features a new story mission featured solely on the character Attikus and boasts tons of replayability for different easter eggs and goodies according to 2K.

Also being added is a PVP mode called "Face Off". Players will hunt down enemies and retrieve their masks to drop in a bucket in the middle of the map. If a player on your team is killed by a member of the opposing team, they have a chance to steal their masks as they will drop. 

If you're getting tired of Overwatch and need another game to bury yourself into that's more MOBA based you would do well to get into Battleborn. The price on the game is dipping and they have 4 more DLC packs planned for the series so it's not like it's being abandoned anytime soon. What's the harm in trying it out?