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Become Pac-Man In The New Mobile PAC-MAN GEO Game!

It’s time for Pac-Man to break out from the usual arcade mazes and start hitting the crazy maze styles that are our city streets! Bandai Namco has officially launched Pac-Man Geo on both iOS and Android for players to take our famously hungry yellow ball and send him out into our world. Using the Google Maps Platform, players can have Pac-Man visit major cities, local cities, and landmarks, both big and small.

After being in quarantine and being unable to go outside for a good chunk of 2020, I have to say that this is a welcomed surprise launch. It battles similar games, such as Pokemon GO, and gives players a new way to not only enjoy the outdoors but to invest their time into walking around more. Whether you have taken to returning to your local parks, enjoy a stroll around your neighborhood, or however, you choose to keep yourself moving about, you can now do it while playing as Pac-Man!