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BORDERLANDS 2 Is Heading To PlayStation VR

Borderlands 2 was initially released in 2012 by 2K and Gearbox Software and will be re-released for the PlayStation VR this December. Borderlands 2 VR will contain a massive virtual reality update and will be priced at $49.99 when it launches on December 14 this year.

The VR version of the game will include the original campaign and the four playable Vault Hunters. However, the re-released version will be strictly single-player only, as announced by the PlayStation Blog. Moreover, the game will receive a virtual reality overhaul, which will include the Bad Ass Mega Fun Time (BAMF Time), which is a new ability that allows players to slow the speed of the game and strategize attacks accordingly.

Gearbox also revealed that the playable characters will include “BAMF-modified skill trees” plus updated skills due to the game’s single-player-only format.

“The original four playable Vault Hunters from Borderlands 2 are back, along with their special abilities and BAMF-modified skill trees,” Gearbox revealed via the PlayStation Blog. “We added in BAMF Time upgrades to previous abilities, like Zer0’s “Death Mark,” which marks targets for additional damage but now also restores two seconds of BAMF Time per marked kill.”

“And since Borderlands 2 VR is a single-player experience, we updated previous skills that relied on a co-op partner, such as Maya’s “Res” ability, which now is called “Empathy” – causing Phaselock to deplete half your current health, damaging enemies based on how much health you lost, and doubling healing during BAMF Time.”

Borderlands 2 VR will also support Sony’s PlayStation Move controllers and will allow players to drive vehicles in the first-person perspective while in VR. Borderlands 2 VR releases on December 14 for the PlayStation VR.