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Both SILENT HILL 3 And FATAL FRAME Movies Are Officially In The Works!

One movie series that has taken a big break between each release is the Silent Hill franchise, with the first one released in 2006 and the second in 2012. These breaks make it hard to tell when the series is coming to an end, but it seems the original director of the first, and better received, Silent Hill movie isn’t ready to let things settle. During an interview with French film news site Allocine, Christophe Gans stated:

“I have two horror film projects with Victor Hadida.  I am working on the adaptation of the video game Project Zero. The film will take place in Japan. I especially don’t want to uproot the game from its Japanese haunted house setting. And we’re also working on a new Silent Hill. The project will always be anchored in this atmosphere of a small American town, ravaged by Puritanism. I think it’s time to make a new one.”

If you are unaware, Project Zero is also known as Fatal Frame in America. So, this means that we can expect to see two amazing classic horror games to get another movie for fans to enjoy! Of course, there isn’t a release date set or announced, but the fact that this is confirmed to be happening is enough to get me excited for them!

Now there are so many questions to ask. Which one will be the first movie he focuses on? Will Silent Hill 3 be a continuation of where the movie series left off or will we be treated to a new game from the series being adapted to film? Is Fatal Frame going to have first-person moments or are they going to pull it off from a third-person perspective? But even with all of the unknown around this news, I trust that Gans will do a good job putting these films together. I like the first Silent Hill movie, for the most part, and am looking forward to what he does with these next two projects of his.

Source: Rely on Horror