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BRIEF BATTLES Preview: Time to Lose Those Pants

Don’t you hate having to put on clothes to do anything? Don’t you wish there was any way you could beat your friends up while lounging around in your underwear? Now you can with Brief Battles! Juicy Cupcake brings a arcade brawler to the gamers in which the characters throw on super powered underwear to beat the, excuse my phrasing and puns, “crap” out of each other.

But all silliness aside, this game look like a really fun couch co-op/competitive brawler with a lot of spunk and party potential. The game is a bit laughable because of the concept and seems more like a practice joke made up in a board meeting, but the gameplay looks solid and should be really entertaining. There will be various single player and multiplayer challenges or modes to try and beat. However, the main attraction here is the verse battle with various modes and 50 levels.

Between multiple characters, “brief” power-ups and a surprising amount of different levels, Brief Battles should be a lot of fun. The game is set to release on May 7th on PS4, Xbox One and PC (TBD on Switch).