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Campaign Deep Dive For COMPANY OF HEROES 3

Publisher Sega Europe and developer Relic Entertainment, recently showed of a new dynamic map as part of the campaign for their upcoming real-time strategy game Company of Heroes 3. This is the first time in the history of the franchise that players will be able to step into the role of a WWII general and the brand-new dynamic campaign map. Players will determine the course of the Allied campaign as it unfolds over the course of days and individual battles. Players will also have a birds eye view of the map, and their decisions will impact the current battle they are waging and the entire war itself.

Relic Entertainment has release a deep dive developer diary where you can learn more about the origins of the new dynamic campaign map. You will also learn about some of the new systems in the game as well as new mechanics like the Partisans, Air and Naval forces and how all these systems can be used together to change the momentum of battle back in your favor.

Company of Heroes 3 is due to release sometime in 2022 for PC via Steam. We’ll have more to share on this one as the new year rolls around.