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CARBON GREY Will Bring Chaotic Innovation To Tabletop RPG’s

With excitement and anticipation building for Magnetic Press Play’s newest tabletop RPG, we have been exposed to some brand new information regarding the gameplay systems and a Kickstarter launch. For those who have yet to read our initial coverage of the newly announced TTRPG Carbon Grey, it encapsulates an alternate World War I era Europe brimming with dieselpunk technologies and strange paranormal elements.

While the information received regarding the gameplay systems was somewhat limiting prior, we now have a greater understanding of how Carbon Grey plans to set itself apart from other TTRPG’s that utilize the classic D6 System developed by West Games. Firstly, Carbon Grey will be the first release to the Magnetic Variant. Information on this variant is limited, with promises of rewinding the system back to its classic roots while still streamlining the system for new users. Alongside the Magnetic Variant system comes a list of unique rules including Genre Defined Attributes, Streamlined Skills, and Character Quirks and Obligations. Easily the most exciting part of the new system is the addition of the Wild Die which has been added to simulate the feeling of chaos ever-present in the original graphic novel source material, causing Continuity Surges, Flux Effects, and more.

Aside from the gameplay, Magnetic Press has launched a Kickstarter campaign to get Carbon Grey into tabletop player’s hands in its best version possible! Check it out and see the various rewards that will be coming throughout the campaign including some limited merchandise, new enemy types and miniatures, and much more!