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Clean Up The Streets In The Upcoming Judge Dredd Tabletop RPG From Modiphius Entertainment

Modiphius Entertainment announced a Judge Dredd roleplaying adventure that tabletop players can order now.

Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000AD is a sci-fi roleplaying game that contains both the core book and the Robot Wars expansion.

Corruption and chaos have taken over the world in this dystopian universe, and with inequality rampant, the nobility retains an absurd amount of power while everyone else suffers. But in spite of the bribery, assassination, espionage, diplomacy, and war, then is still one lawman willing to do what it takes—Dredd. In a city with hundreds of millions of people, he fights the worst of them—raiders, robots, and all sorts of other criminals.

To learn more about the tabletop RPG system, check out the Judge Dredd Core Book.

To understand how life worsens in Mega-City One, check out the Robot Wars expansion.

If you’re interested in ordering the RPG, print books are expected to ship in late May, but you’ll receive a PDF right away. Alternatively, if you order a PDF, you can later use the included discount code to lower the price of the print books if you decide to purchase that at a later time.

Tabletop roleplaying games are a great way to spend time indoors, and it’s easy to play remotely with friends. It’s exciting to see Modiphius Entertainment publishing so much good content, and we’ll update you as we know more about upcoming RPGs.

What’s your favorite Judge Dredd movie? The original with Sylvester Stallone or the more recent version with Karl Urban?

Let us know in the comments.