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CODE VEIN Announces Launch Date With A Detailed Story Trailer

After releasing a mysterious trailer already over a full year ago, there is finally a launch date for Code Vein from Bandai Namco. The launch date is set for September 28, 2018 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. They will also have a playable demo at E3 2018.

Along with the launch date, we have been given a very detailed story trailer to learn what the role playing game (RPG) is all about. It even has gameplay sections so you can see just how awesome this title is going to be. Check it out:

We can see that the blood beads will play a big role in our journey and got to see what some creatures will look like. I'm still curious what the more ferocious beasts will look like that they aren't showing us. The combat is the type I prefer in an RPG personally, giving the player the freedom to attack, dodge, and move about as they see fit. There are enough turn based RPG titles out there as it is.

Bandai Namco has also confirmed that you will be able to customize your character and their abilities as you progress further. Hopefully there is a wide range of options to choose from because I know there are plenty of players interested in making the wildest looking character possible. I usually go for a badass look with scars and ripped clothes myself.

The game isn't exactly what I was expecting, given how different their announcement trailer was from their launch date trailer. The art style is even vastly different and would of been an interesting style choice to have made the game with. Either way, I'm looking forward to checking out Code Vein and seeing what it has to offer. Did their trailer get you excited for the games release?