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PERSONA 5 Button Menu Cosplay Trends at Anime Expo 2017

The annual Anime Expo is being held at the Los Angeles Convention Centre from 1 - 4 July 2017, today being the last day. For those of you not able to attend this fantastic expo, and who would have liked to have seen the English cast of the Persona 5 game, here is the full panel discussion below:

Now for those of you who are not aware of it, one of the latest Persona 5 memes to hit the net are images of celebrities or shows or...really anyone, with the button configuration or menu pasted around them. Like such:

Thatsketchasaurus and arktoons  decided that the menu would be epic to use at the Anime Expo. They walked around the foyers and showroom floors and pointed the configuration at anyone they dared, some of which I found on Reddit  and Instagram

Now that is what cosplays are all about. Not just to dress up as your favorite characters, but also to have some fun doing it. These guys literally took a popular meme and had an outrageous, hilarious good time with it. And judging by the expressions on their victims, it looked like they enjoyed it too.

According to Kotaku, they caused such a distraction and disruption that they were actually kicked off the showroom floor, but were at least greeted outside by fans that really enjoyed it. I suppose I would have enjoyed the meme cosplay to a point where I got bored of them, but it's still fun to see just how creative people can be.

Are you attending the Anime Expo? Let us know what your favorite features were and what you would have liked to see more of.

Source: KOTAKU