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Creepy Horror Game MIRROR FORGE Releases Tomorrow

If you haven’t had enough scares yet this year then DreadXP has some good news for you! Tomorrow, they will be publishing MystiveDev’s newest horror game Mirror Forge. This title will have players roaming between realities constructed by fear, madness, and machinery. With inspiration from Silent Hill and Stranger Things fueling the development, the setting definitely seems fitting.

The game follows the troubled life of everyman Thomas Jackson, a recovering alcoholic with a traumatic past. Prepare to confront Thomas’ demons and go off in search of his estranged partner Jill who was taken by an otherworldly force. Piece together the mystery of the Mirror Forge, a sinister device that has altered reality, causing pain and inner turmoil to physically manifest. Can Thomas overcome his troubled past to save the future of the multiverse?

Mirror Forge will be available tomorrow, December 6th, on PC via Steam. They still have a free demo up for those who want to give the game a try before buying.