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CRIS TALES Demo For Consoles Is Available Right Now!

Cris Tales (developed by Dreams Uncoporated and SYCK) now has a demo available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Switch! The game is centered around Crisbell, who’ll navigate through past, present, and future using her time-manipulation abilities. The game is quoted as, “a love letter to the classic JRPGs” and hopes to nail the type of gameplay that goes with the genre.

The demo will allow players to experience a small portion of the story mode of the game. On top of that, you’ll be able to play the Colosseum game mode as well. In the colosseum mode, you’ll team up with a character named Wilhelm. Together you’ll take on eight waves of enemies, that’ll increase in difficulty, ending with a small boss battle.

Cris Tales is set to be released for Xbox One, Playstation 4, Switch, and Steam on November 17th.