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After another release date delay, game developer CD Project Red gave us some new information and game footage for CyberPunk 2077 during a Twitch livestream this past Thursday. This stream is part of their way of presenting details about the game amid the COVID- 19 pandemic, and a way to stay in touch with the community. Named after the main city in CyberPunk 2077, Night City Wire is an episodic stream hosted by Hollie Bennet, in which bit by bit we will be given more information about the game leading up to launch (November 17th). The livestream was filled with new takeaways and even some truth to rumors circulating the internet.

The Gig

The stream started by revealing a trailer titled “The Gig” for what ultimately showed off some things that we hadn’t seen yet. This trailer felt like it was for a heist movie. There were scenes of who we’re working with (Dexter Deshawn), who the bad guys are (Arasaka Corp.), and scenes that played out in “Ocean’s Eleven” fashion. It all came across very light and comical, in tone (thanks to side character Jackie’s jokes throughout). As far as trailers go, it was very fun and made the game look like a blast to play. During the trailer, the “Badlands” were revealed, which is a new, dryer part of the map that hasn’t been shown. The trailer ended with a scene featuring Keanu Reeves’s character, Johnny Silverhand.

The scene played to a sense that Silverhand might be inside of V’s head, but that’s just my interpretation. After the trailer Pawel Sasko (Lead Game Designer) took to the screen and gave us some information. Firstly he talked about the Arasaka loyalist & hulking cyborg, Adam Smasher. The character has a very menacing look and it definitely seems like we will see not just more of him, but of others like him. Secondly, he talked about the Badlands, which is set outside of Night City and seems to be from a time forgotten. He says that the Badlands will have missions tailored specifically to its setting as well as its own faction called the “Nomads”. Although the Nomads didn’t make the trailer, we did get a little insight into who they are. They’re a traveling group that moves together in convoys, that are made up of cars and motorcycles (the usual, crazy desert dwellers stuff).

The Next Generation

In the last few weeks since Xbox’s reveal of Smart Delivery (an Xbox Series X system that makes games cross generational), there’s been much speculation on if Cyberpunk 2077 would be on that list of titles. There was also much speculation, but no confirmation, if Sony had something similar planned for the PS5. Following the trailer, we were finally given confirmation that the game would be backwards compatible with the next generation of consoles as well as have automatically upgraded graphics. What’s really important here is that we have confirmation that the PS5 will have some sort of Smart Delivery-like service, and that’s fantastic to hear. Hollie finished the segment by telling us that there’d be more information about it, coming out soon. I’d venture to guess that we’d get more intel during the next episode.


The next segment was shown by Saya Elderman (Japan Based Producer) who announced that an anime series called, “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners” is in production. Edgerunners takes place in the same Night City that we’re going to get accustomed to. Although it’s the same city, the series features new characters and an entirely new storyline. The series will debut on Netflix in collaboration with Studio Trigger in 2022.


The last piece of the stream showed off a game mechanic called Braindance. Braindance in the Cyberpunk universe is used as a method of entertainment where you live out an occurrence as if it’s your own. There are certain Braindances known as “Black Braindances”, or “XBDs”. In this case, we went into one of a “Flatliner” (someone who died during their recording). A demonstration of Braindance was presented with a character we were in the shoes of, robbing a convenience store. He goes in, robs the store, and then the scene ends with V coming out of the simulation screaming in agony. After that, we went back into Braindance but were now able to move around freely (with an out-of-body camera view) and check out the environment. Analysis mode gives you playback controls and ways to tap into sounds that maybe, weren’t initially heard during the scene. Play, pause, fast-forward, and rewind to take a look at what’s going on in the foreground and background of the scene. Doing this gives us a look at the entire scope of the scene playing out. (Turns out this robber’s own friend took him out when his back was turned.) Patrick Mills (Senior Quest Designer) says that Braindance is used as a keyhole to look into the lives of Night Cities residents and that it isn’t a collectible, it’s a storytelling tool.


That’s a round-up of everything shown during the livestream. New trailer, new Netflix series, new game mechanics. It’s amazing that a game that’s been talked about for so long, can still have tricks up its sleeve. We should be expecting to hear something from CD Project Red in the next couple of weeks, when they announce the next episode of Night City Wire. This is an episodic series, and going by the “coming soon” spaces on the Cyberpunk website, it’s safe to say at least two more streams will be held.

Are you as excited about Cyberpunk 2077 I am?!