DAEMON X MACHINA Length Has Been Revealed!
In a recent interview with Gamereactor, Kenichiro Tsukuda, producer of the upcoming Switch exclusive Daemon X Machina, has revealed more information about the games length. According to Tsukuda, the main story of the game can take anywhere between 20-30 hours to complete. Completionists will find the game to be a much longer and daunting task however. According to Tsukuda, 100 percenting the entirety of Daemon X Machina can range into the 100 hour territory. There will be numerous parts to collect as well as unlockable characters to help you during fights.
Daemon X Machina continues to be one of my most anticipated games of 2019! After the recent Demo feedback trailer, I went back and replayed the available missions that were featured in the demo and had a blast. Sadly, the demo was only available for a short period of time so if you didn’t grab it back in February there is no way to experience the game until launch. I shared my original thoughts on the demo back in February for those of you who might be interested in checking it out. Daemon X Machina launched on September 13, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch and I can’t wait!