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Deconstructeam Announces New Narrative Indie Game THE COSMIC WHEEL SISTERHOOD

Deconstructeam and Devolver Digital just announced their new narrative indie adventure game The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood with a release sometime in 2023. The Spanish indie devs at Deconstructeam have created what they describe as a thought-provoking narrative game starring Fortuna, a witch who is living in exile on an asteroid.

The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is first and foremost a narrative game heavily focused on tarot cards and an interactive story. In the game, Fortuna is seeking her freedom and makes a dangerous deal with a forbidden creature, one only known as Abramar, who grants her the ability to craft magic-infused tarot cards.

Throughout a player’s journey in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, they will be able to create a custom tarot deck that is entirely unique to them. In addition, the arcane elements they incorporate into their designs will give each card wildly varying effects and abilities to help them to determine the fate of the characters they encounter throughout their time in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood.

The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood will invite players to explore themes of identity, community, and personal responsibility as they use their deck to dive into a complex narrative. The game features pixel art that vows to be both beautiful and immersive, alongside a detailed soundtrack. With a branching story, players will feel the impact of their choices as they discover whether they can save their coven of witches from certain doom.

The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood will come out sometime in 2023 on PC via Steam and Nintendo Switch.