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DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN First Impression: Sets New Standard For Interactive Story Games

Games are constantly being judged by three main categories: graphics, gameplay, and story. While many games tend to have two of the three main categories that make them worth it, there are very few that make the story the front runner of the game's focus.

Taking on the challenge, Quantic Dream has been developing Detroit: Become Human. This game is a choice-based title that lets players control the decisions that their character makes giving them control of the story. Recently launching a demo, we have finally been given a chance to dive into this Heavy Rain-like experience.


While the overall story remains a mystery, we have gotten to know a little bit about our character; or one of them at least, given that the trailers have shown multiple character options. Playing as Connor, or detective android RK800, you arrive on the scene of a hostage situation to handle what the human police have failed to do so far; diffuse the situation and secure the hostage.

The story takes place in the futuristic year of 2038 where there are a variety of humanoid androids designed for all walks of life. Whether they are designed to do police work, house work, office work, or simply be a nanny companion for the family, they are all supposed to be designed without flaw. As both the demo and name of the game imply, it seems that some of the androids begin to feel a more human side in their existence.


When you start a new mission, you will find countless objects to interact with throughout the level. While some may seem to be unimportant, there is a chance that even the smallest of changes will affect the outcome of the mission.

The variety of Interactive objects featured in the demo ranged from ineffective, to investigative, to directly impacting the mission. While some actions were just fun or interesting, you knew which actions were helpful thanks to a percentage that would appear and change afterwards. An example of this would be that after talking to the officer in command, your chance of success is lowered while examining the empty gun case raised your chance of success.

Once you have played through the mission for the first time, there is something unique offered. Completed missions can be looked over in the levels Flowchart. This feature allows players to see what options and interactive objects  they missed, as well as what path they took. This feature allows players to truly experience each mission to its fullest without too much curiosity eating at them as they wonder if they missed anything.


While I was hoping to play through a mission that I had yet to see and experience a new area that Detroit: Become Human offers, the demo did give me an idea of what lies ahead.

While the missions are going to seem random as players jump between scenarios and characters, I think there will be a much larger story being told underneath what we will be directly experiencing. With how detailed they are with one mission, I think that this demo barely scratches the surface of what the game will hold.


Detroit: Become Human is an intriguing game that is going to set a new standard for the interactive story genre. The game shows a lot of promise and is one of the most detailed games I've played in the genre, and I've only gotten to play a demo. I'm hoping for a massive game with an impressive amount of missions, but most of all I'm hopeful that the story will be deeper than what appears on the surface. Easily a game to look forward to owning and worth keeping a close eye on until release.