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DEV_HELL First Impression: A Decent Deck-Builder Hidden In There

dev_hell is a roguelike deck-building game developed by Unhinged Studios. The game is meant to be a comedic front for the lie that is developement hell. I wouldn’t know personally but I do have friends in the industry that say it can be like jumping through rings to get there, so I can appreciate that aspect. But the deck-building and roguelike aspect of the game have to be there as well for the game to succeed.


This game is a parody of the development workforce. You start a new job at a company and aim to excel in coding. The deck-building element comes from the various things you code and the bugs you fix. The roguelike aspect is that if you mess up, you’re fired, which I find hilarious.

The game begins by introducing you to your colleagues, who are pretty generic, but the dialogue options are ridiculous, and I can't resist picking the funny ones. If you’re smart, unlike me, you can get different rewards depending on the dialogue choices, boosting your relationship with your coworkers.

Regarding the gameplay, the card play is quite fun. It's not entirely unique, but it's different and engaging. Generally, the higher number wins, but you can unlock modifiers for the cards that grant bonus abilities, allowing you to play stronger cards or affecting your progress or health. One aspect I really liked is that playing against a CPU isn’t insanely easy like in most card games, so it genuinely tests your skills like a roguelike should.


Honestly, for what dev_hell is, I don't expect it to change much. The core mechanics and gameplay seem pretty well fleshed out, so significant changes aren't necessary. I do anticipate them adding new cards and modifiers, which would keep the game fresh and provide players with new strategies to explore. These additions could enhance the overall experience and maintain player interest over time.

However, one potential feature that could add extra excitement is a PvP mode. If implemented well, it could bring a new level of competition and engagement to the game.


dev_hell is an unserious roguelike with semi-serious gameplay. The game is designed with a specific comedic intent, featuring intentionally generic coworkers meant to get a chuckle out of you. Despite its humorous appearance, the game offers a surprisingly solid deck-building experience that requires a good amount of strategy. While it may not contend for Game of the Year, it's definitely fun. Anyone looking for a challenging deck-builder should give it a try.