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Dice-Happy Dwarves Feature In New Kickstarter

Dice Miner from Atlas Games is on Kickstarter right now, and the drafting game looks like some strategic mountain tunneling and a lot of fun for some lighthearted tabletop gaming.

The game is played over several rounds, the end of which features a scoring phase as players tally up the different sets of dice and count their points. But players will collect more dice over the course of the game, so point totals will gradually increase and strategy will deepen as players decide on which kinds of dice to collect and how to utilize the powers of each dice type.

And it’s all made more unique by the mountain tray that holds the dice. The tray determines which face of the die is taken by the player and dice that are underneath others cannot be taken—except for certain ones that can be gathered with a special power (beer) in the game.

It looks like a game that will play fairly quickly and it should be easy to teach to everyone. So fast-paced and accessible. Those are two qualities you want in lighter games like these.

And so many dice! There will be 60 dice in the standard and deluxe versions of the game, but I imagine that more dice might get unlocked for the back packs as the campaign continues.

Speaking of those two versions, there are different price points that backers can consider. If you just want the game and aren’t worried about how shiny or tough the components are, then you can snag the Standard version of the game. For some higher-quality dice and a molded plastic mountain, check out the Deluxe version.

The Kickstarter campaign even shares a gameplay preview from Roll For Crit, so if you want a little more explanation of what to expect, check out that video.

What do you think? Tell us your thoughts on Dice Miner in the comments.

And for more on tabletop gaming, stay tuned to GameTyrant!