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DISNEY VILLAINOUS: SUGAR AND SPITE - New Two-Player Expandalone Game with King Candy and Shere Khan

Indulge in a sweet treat with Ravensburger's latest addition to the acclaimed Villainous series! Disney Villainous: Sugar and Spite brings the devious King Candy from Wreck-It Ralph and the menacing Shere Khan from "The Jungle Book" to your tabletop adventure. This new expandalone game, designed for two players, offers a thrilling racetrack gameplay experience at a more accessible price point.

Launching on June 9 and available for pre-order on, Disney Villainous: Sugar and Spite is the first in the series to adopt the two-player expandalone format. It introduces fresh Villain Objectives and gameplay mechanics, sure to delight both newcomers and seasoned players alike. The core gameplay remains simple: maneuver your Villain across their Realm board and take strategic actions at each location.

King Candy's Realm introduces the Sugar Rush Speedway, a dynamic racetrack where King Candy's racecar-inspired mover can zip across one to four action spaces per turn. This flexibility grants players unprecedented power in their action choices, allowing them to utilize the action space they land on, along with the ones before and after it.

To emerge victorious, players playing King Candy must ensnare Vanellope von Schweetz with a Glitch and triumph in a thrilling Sugar Rush Race on the Speedway. While those playing Shere Khan must quell the fires in their Realm and vanquish Mowgli to assert dominance as the Jungle's ruler, aided by the cunning Kaa the Snake, just as in Disney's iconic The Jungle Book tale.