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DISPEL DICE - The Most Beautiful Dice In The World?

Tabletop RPGs and dice sets go hand in hand, and 7-piece polyhedral sets have become more stylish over the years as players want to show off to their fellow adventurers. Enter Dispel Dice. Their debut collection wants to provide handcrafted designer dice sets with sharp edges and beautiful inclusions for the aesthetic conscious tabletop RPG player. And, wow, do they accomplish that goal. These dice sets are absolutely gorgeous.

But I’m not the only one that thinks so. So far, the Kickstarter campaign for Dispel Dice has rocketed past its funding goal of $20,000 and is nearing $2 million as of this writing. That’s 10,000% of the funding goal. It’s bonkers.

All twenty of the designs have been unlocked. And each one is striking.

And the campaign still has a long way to go. The funding window closes on Monday, December 9th. Over twenty days are left.

If you’re interested, use the link above to visit the Kickstarter page and support Dispel Dice.

What design do you like the most?