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DONKEY KONG & TETRIS Composer Passes Away, Fans Raise Funds to Record His Last Song

Brad Fuller was known for being a friend, leader, and innovator in the video game audio world. With such landmark projects under his belt, it goes without saying that he was a true pioneer of the medium. His work is referenced by many developers as an inspiration for creativity as well as a resource for learning games music technology.

I had the chance to exchange several chats with Brad early last year. I honored his wish not to disclose his cancer battle. He was such a great person…….truly a lover of music and of sound technology. We shared a love of vintage jazz music. Beyond those great Atari Games years, it was awesome to work around him at LBE/Silicon Entertainment. RIP my good friend

AtariBook has a wonderful tribute to him with heartfelt words from some of his colleagues over the years, including the quote above from Senior Product Designer at Atari, Jess Melchor. Karen Collins, director of the upcoming video game audio documentary Beep has released this full, uncut video of Brad discussing his work recently that will be featured in the film.

Shortly before his friends, fans, and family suffered this loss, Brad was busy at work with what would be his last composition. He finished the work on the composing end of things, but was not able to get it to the studio for recording. Other games composers and performers wanted to make sure that his final project made it to completion in the studio. They launched a GoFundMe campaign in order to make sure his last work reached full completion.

In the age of the Internet, it is certainly wonderful that we can join up for a good cause and make things like this happen. Brad was a pioneer and innovator for the video games music that we know, enjoy, and love today. When the song is completed, I’ll be sure to update on where we can hear it as soon as it’s available.