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DONTNOD Is Creating A VAMPYR Web Series To Show Off Their Goals

DONTNOD is starting up a web series featuring their upcoming title, Vampyr. This first episode of the series will be followed by three more 5-minute videos that will launch on YouTube every Thursday of the upcoming weeks.

This first episode provides information about the main character Jonathan Reid, a doctor-turned-vampire. Freshly turned, Reid’s condition unveils a dark new reality, thrusting him into a once-hidden society of wretched creatures like himself. Check out Episode 1: Making Monsters:

I love that they chose to go with the explanatory style web series rather than a flashy, hype building cinematic one. This way interested players can build hype based on facts and direct explanations from the developers over at DONTNOD.

The second episode of the web series just recently launched as well, and this time they reveal the areas of London that you will explore and impact during your time in Vampyr. Each of the four districts have their own distinct style and groups of citizens, which can flourish or perish depending on your actions. Check out Episode 2: Architects of the Obscure:

The story appears to be one of the darkest ones to take place in a video game and has my attention easily. Bringing the morality of the kills we complete inside the various games we play, forcing us to understand the emotions and life of the victims we are going to kill, brings a new perspective of all the games I've played before.

Vampyr is already a very intriguing game and I look forward to learning more about it through the coming web series episodes. What did you think of the first two episodes?