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DOOM 64 Has A New Level To Tie Into DOOM ETERNAL

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In a new and unexpected move, it would appear that a new level has been added into the remaster of DOOM 64! DOOM 64 has always stood apart from the rest of the DOOM franchise mostly due to always being stuck on the N64 and that it was made by Midway Games instead of series creator Id. When DOOM 2016 released there were plenty of theories about how the game wasn’t actually a reboot but rather a continuation of DOOM 64. Now it seems these theories are holding more validity as the new level of DOOM 64 ties directly into the newer titles! Thanks to early preview release, media outlets are already getting to explore the new DOOM 64 level and Gamespot has released a full playthrough which you can see above. The level itself looks pretty straight forward but it is the stuff that happens at the end which is the most interesting. DOOM Eternal and DOOM 64 are both coming out tomorrow across multiple platforms.

I would love to hear from our diehard DOOM fans about what they think this all means, share your thoughts below!