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DRAGONBALL FIGHTERZ Announces New Characters And Shenron System Details

If you weren't already psyched for Dragonball FighterZ by Bandai Namco like we are after playing it at E3, then the new characters that have been announced that may get you there! As shown in the trailer above, the new characters are Beerus, Hit, and Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black - all Dragonball Super characters!

The mix of characters continues to expand and now they have announced some purposeful match-ups. It was shown in the video, but in case you didn't recognize the cues, those cutscenes were being triggered by character match set ups. For example, playing as Teen Gohan against Cell (and winning) will give you the chance to do the super move which will create the Father-Son Kamehameha ultra finish from the iconic Cell saga conclusion.

On top of that, they have given out the details to the "Shenron System." Players who string a specific number of combos during battle will collect Dragon Balls on-screen. Once all the Dragon Balls have been collected, Shenron will appear to grant the player one of four wishes:

  • Restore my health: Restore your character to full health (the one that you’re controlling)
  • Bring back my ally: Revive your lost ally to 50% health
  • Give me the ultimate power: Boost your Ki gauge to MAX
  • Make me immortal: Health will be 50% restored, and auto-restoration for energy gauge.

If you are finding yourself undecided about purchasing Dragonball FighterZ upon launch January 26th, don't forget that they are going to have an open beta! Access for everyone begins on January 14, 2018 at 12:00am midnight PST and ends January 15, 2018 at 11:59pm PST. For those that pre-ordered, your access begins a day earlier on January 13, 2018 at 12:00am midnight PST through 11:59pm PST.

I'm looking forward to playing some more rounds in the beta before getting the game myself. The short rounds I played at E3 just left me wanting more, and now the roster is huge! Who do you plan to set up as your team?