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DUNGEON CRAFT Review: BattleMaps & Terrain

Review copies of both items were provided by 1985 Games

BattleMap: Jungle City

What’s In The Box

The Dungeon Craft BattleMaps are 24”x33” custom TTRPG terrain maps designed for your perfect tabletop role-playing game setup. The BattleMap: Jungle City includes a double-sided sheet that can be used with wet or dry erase markers, allowing you to mark whatever you need. As the name suggests, each side of the map represents a different type of jungle city: one features a mossy stone terrain, while the other showcases a sandstone brick terrain, providing a variety of man-made environments for your adventures.


While the maps come folded for easy cleanup, it's a good idea to take them out a bit early before your session to allow time for them to flatten. Due to the map's texture, your Dungeon Craft tiles might slide around, especially if placed on the folds.


The BattleMaps: Jungle City is an excellent starting point for creating your ideal TTRPG setup, providing the perfect foundation for your adventures. While the Jungle City theme is quite specific and may not suit every setting, it's hard to imagine a campaign that doesn't venture into a jungle city at some point. This pack could be an essential addition to your table.

Dungeon Craft: Fallen Kingdom

What’s In The Box

Each Dungeon Craft box comes with its own themed terrain and enemy pieces, allowing DMs to customize their campaigns. The Dungeon Craft: Fallen Kingdom box is designed for an epic jungle adventure, featuring everything from temple pieces and bridges to giant bird nests and even a huge spider.

The box includes a variety of thematic pieces suitable for a sacrificial jungle tomb setting or an abandoned temple filled with spiders and undead warriors. The website suggests this box is perfect for a Tomb of Annihilation setting, and I agree—many of these pieces fit that theme exceptionally well.


My only qualm with this box is that you have to cut out each individual piece yourself. Depending on how many pieces you’re using, this can create a considerable amount of cleanup and work all at once. Plus, if you're not very skilled with scissors, you might accidentally cut pieces you didn't intend to.


The Dungeon Craft: Fallen Kingdom box has some really good pieces for your jungle themed campaign. So if you’re a DM that knows your campaign is going to end up in the jungle sometime soon and you don’t mind putting in a little bit of elbow grease, I have the perfect box for you to make the perfect campaign setting.