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ELITE DANGEROUS Gets a New Update: Beyond - Chapter One

Players of the popular space exploration game Elite Dangerous will be excited to hear that there is a new update coming to the game February 27th. The update, which will be free for all players, aims to improve several of the systems that the community has requested and enhance the playability of the game-play that already exists. 

The first system to receive the new enhancements will be the crime and punishment system which will improve the response time of criminal activities making the galaxy more fair and competitive. The new Advanced Tactical Response will make it harder and harder for players that choose to live a pirates life and further hunt repeat offenders. As your notoriety levels increase so too will the consequences for illegal activities increase, hopefully making a more challenging experience for veteran pilots. 

Also, it sounds like there will be new contacts for Elite Dangerous Horizons owners:

Starting February 27, new contacts will become available for Elite Dangerous Horizons owners as tech brokers, dealers of rare tools and technologies, give players a chance to acquire new items based on their personal narrative and experience. In addition, material traders will allow commanders to convert and exchange materials, making engineering and unlocking missions with tech brokers more accessible. 

Beyond - Chapter One will also bring an abundance of improvements and updates, which will include the addition of a trade data overlay which will help commanders more easily find profitable trades in the Milky Way, changes to engineering which will include guaranteed improvements when crafting, and the mission reward system is receiving an overhaul.

Last but not least there is a new combat ship called "The Cheiftan", that has been built to help take down the new Thargoid threat.

You can watch the trailer here:

Still playing Elite Dangerous? If not is this enough to bring you back? I am super interested in seeing how the improved mechanics relate to playability. Though the game was fun after 20 or so hours I felt the gameplay was too repetitive. What are your thoughts? I would love to know!