Exciting News For DARQ Alongside First Free DLC Launch With Review

It’s great to see a developer that is genuinely excited to see that their players are both enjoying the game and highly recommending it to their friends. What’s even better is seeing how they give back to the players for their support. Free DLC ‘The Tower’ released for Unfold Games dark puzzle title Darq is a free new chapter for players to experience a little more of what they have to offer. Along with this free DLC launch, Darq is currently running a Steam sale of 50% off the main game until March 16th and has promised yet another upcoming free DLC to look forward to!

The developers stated, “This free DLC is our way of saying "Thank You" to the fans who supported us throughout the development and the turbulent yet successful launch.” This certainly shows because they even included a major update that introduces a lot of improvements and new achievements. 

DLC ‘The Tower’ Review

I’m not going to go into a full breakdown of the gameplay, sounds, graphics, and such as they are all very similar to the details I listed in the main games review. However, it is worth going over what this new chapter brought to the overall game and its stand-alone value.

This new chapter brings us a variety of puzzles that each had their own level of difficulty and style. I like the introduction of electricity to the mix as this wasn’t a main component in other chapters making for yet another fresh experience. There was really just so much packed into so little that I would, once again, say that I thoroughly enjoyed getting through it and just wish there was more.

It did feel like it was just another chapter to the main game given that it starts out in the home, same as the other chapters, and you lie in bed to get started. This dreamscape idea of what is happening in each chapter really allows the developers to take any concept they have and work with it. The Tower chapter truly shows them letting loose on the rules of what you can and can’t do to make a puzzle happen. Aside from the mixture of the standard puzzles, using severed heads to serenade loud enough it breaks a hole in the wall as the goal of the chapter was a crazy concept that had a crazier twist for the ending of it.

More unique puzzles that aren’t found nor repeated anywhere else in the game is one of the facts that stand out to me the most. It really is what makes this DLC nothing but an improvement to the game and a worthy extension that has me excited for what you will include next! Easily worth the re-download.