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Fighting Card Game YOMI 2 Just Entered Early Access

Yomi 2 is a new game from Sirlin Games that features an interesting take on the fighting game genre by turning it into a strategic turn-based multiplayer card battler. Developed by David Sirlin, Yomi 2 offers players a unique turn-based experience.

In Yomi 2, players can choose from a diverse roster of nine expressive fighters, each with their own distinct style. Fireball flingers, poisonous merfolk, stone-made grapplers, nimble fox ninjas, and more await those seeking their perfect fighting archetype. Engage in battles from a digital card playmat, where players will draw a hand of moves and strategically plan their actions. Anticipate your opponent's moves, unleash devastating combos, and execute flashy cinematic finishers to secure victory.

True to its fighting game roots, Yomi 2 incorporates mechanics inspired by traditional fighting games. Dive into the depths of combos, frame data, attack priority, and special cancels as you navigate character-specific abilities. Observe your opponent's habits, adapt your playstyle, and leverage your character's unique strengths to gain the upper hand.

Enhance character’s special moves by utilizing one of six gems, which allow players to bend reality and unleash momentum-swinging assaults. Unleash a barrage of attacks to overcome your opponent's defenses in unexpected ways. As players progress, they can take part in the single-player Career mode, where they’ll face off against a colorful cast of characters and hone their skills. The training room also provides a space for practicing combos and experimenting with new tactics against CPU opponents.

For players seeking competitive thrills, Yomi 2 introduces a robust multiplayer environment. Players are able to engage in synchronous multiplayer modes, including both ranked and casual play, by queuing up to fight opponents via matchmaking.

Yomi 2 is now available in Early Access for PC, Mac, and Steam Deck via Steam and Epic Games Store for $24.99.