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Free-To-Play Sci-Fi Shooter SYNCED Set To Launch This Summer

A few months back, NExT Studios and Level Infinite held an open beta for their upcoming sci-fi shooter title SYNCED. This gave them an initial set of feedback that had plenty of details on what needs to be fixed mixed in with the mostly positive response from the player base. Now, they are getting ready to launch in just a few more months!

Set in the near future of our world, where nanotechnology has become the backbone of civilization. In the wake of a cataclysm known as the Collapse, the nanomachines have turned against their creators, consuming humans to propagate themselves and transforming into deadly Nanos. In this apocalypse, players take on the role of a Runner, brave fortune-seekers who scour the Meridian for the valuable nano-energy substance known as Nerva. Players will team up in squads of three to encounter high-octane PvE and PvP battles.

Runners can sync with any Prime Nanos they take down, turning them into Companion Nanos, and then strategically deploy them against the Nano hordes and opposing players. Each of these Prime Nano classes – Crusher, Suppressor, Guardian, and Seer – have their own abilities, allowing Runners to select the one best suited to their playstyle. Runners can equip two Nanos at a time and switch between them on the fly. Get up close and personal then unleash the Crusher. Scout for incoming threats and loot your enemies as the Seer.

SYNCED will be coming to PC via Steam and Epic Games Store in Summer 2023. They plan to also bring it to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S at a later date.