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FREEDOM FIGHTERS Gets A Surprise PC Rerelease On GOG!

2003 classic from IO Interactive, Freedom Fighters, has just gotten a surprise rerelease on PC through GOG! Freedom Fighters tells the story of an alternate timeline where the Soviet Union rose as the dominant superpower and dropped the atomic bomb to end World War II. The following years saw the world fall under Soviet control until only the United States remained. I bet you can all guess what happens next. Yup, they invade and it is up to a small group of resistance to drive back the occupying forces!

Despite its age, there are a number of great features to still be found in Freedom Fighters like its squad mechanics and interconnected mission design. The PC release also had native support for higher resolutions supporting up to 4K widescreen without the use of mods. I can confirm that is this case still with the GOG release! The one caveat to this is the menu and HUD don’t scale with the resolution and can appear very small. Then there is that soundtrack by Jesper Kyd that is just totally on point throughout the entire journey. Which is being offered as a downloadable bonus for picking up this release by the way!

For the first week of release, Freedom Fighters is being offered for 34% off of its $15 asking price ($9.89). As with all GOG releases, the game is DRM free and can be downloaded through the GOG Galaxy app or as a standalone installer. I am super excited about this rerelease as it could show IO Interactive that there is still a ton of interest in the franchise and we might finally get to see the long-awaited sequel! If you would like to see all of my thoughts on Freedom Fighters be sure to check out my Retro Review of the title here!