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Gameplay Video of MAFIA III and Interview With Development Team

Hangar 13 and 2K Games seem to be breathing some new life into their period gangster franchise with Mafia III. The dudes over at Gameinformer got a walk through on some of the new features available in the upcoming title in a video they released today. This entry looks like it implements a great, fast paced change to the combat with a lot of emphasis on brutality and intimidation. You'll be tearing down the Italian mob in 1968 New Orleans from the ground up and rebuilding your own gang in the process. Being a mixed-race protagonist in the American South during the late '60's will also influence the way other characters treat you, as Hangar 13 looks to explore this period in history deeply. I recommend giving the video a watch below and getting all the gritty details on this awesome new journey into the world of a mafioso.