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Get A Closer Look At Upcoming GEARS TACTICS By Listening To The Soundtrack

Gears Tactics launches in just over a week. In order to continue to build hype leading to the release, The Coalition have dropped the soundtrack for the upcoming title early for our listening pleasure. Composed by Edward Patrick White, the soundtrack is just as beautiful and emotionally moving as any other Gears soundtrack before it. I already feel as though I have been transported to the planet of Sera, and the game hasn’t even been released yet.

You can listen to the soundtrack for yourself on your preferred music streaming service here. Gears Tactics drops just next week on Tuesday, April 28 for Windows 10 PC, and will be available for Xbox One at a later date. You can pre-order the game on Steam, or the Microsoft Store. Those that pre-order on Steam will receive a 15% discount on Gears Tactics, and pre-ordering from either store will grant players the “Trashball Cole” character pack.