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GOTHAM KNIGHTS Drops A New Look Trailer

With Gotham Knights, developed by WB Games Montréal and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment now officially launched, we really enjoyed taking a look at the “What Is Gotham Knights” trailer that was released a couple of days before the launch.

Big games like Gotham Knights tend to get a bit expensive, especially if you want a deluxe or collectors edition, so trailers that run through the kind of gameplay you can expect in-game are invaluable. This new trailer does just that and offers a really cool at all the playable heroes and their moves. With Batman gone, the bat family has to rise up which includes Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, and Red Hood, each with their own unique flair. Here we get an in-depth look at all the character's traversal styles, movesets, and some different outfits which all look pretty badass.

What's particularly interesting is having a look at some characters' movesets and their unique versatility in different combat situations. Being able to use a move for stealth and open combat with slightly different results is a great way to shake up the combat.

With our review of Gotham Knights in the works behind the scenes, we can’t wait to share more about the game and really dive into our favorite parts. For more Gotham Knights coverage be sure to check out more here and also take a look at the trailer above. As always let us know down in the comments what you think of Gotham Knights so far and if you're having just as much fun as if you were playing as the Batman himself.

Gotham Knights is now available for PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store.