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Gothic Puzzle Game DARQ Officially Launches On All Platforms!

Fans of both puzzle games and dark themes rejoice as the strangest and most interesting title to launch in the genre is now available on all platforms. Unfold Games recently partnered with Feardemic to keep the momentum their game Darq has been pushing since it launched in 2019. This partnership has brought Darq: Complete Edition to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One which includes the DLC chapters, the newest of which launching for free in Steam simultaneously.

If you already have the game on PC, then be sure to go download and check out the newest chapter to the game called “The Crypt.” This DLC release brings the first game to a fully completed title and leaves Unfold Games to look into the series future. Aside from still getting Darq itself on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series in 2021, they have the already announced story pieces to release next.

It definitely seems that Unfold Games isn’t close to being done with Darq as a series and I am looking forward to the upcoming comic book they announced. After learning so much about Wlad Marhulets and his extensive background, it’s easy to see that this series is only going to get better as it continues. What are you hoping they bring to Darq as a universe and/or series?