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GTFO First Impression: Creepy Stealth Co-Op

It isn’t abnormal to run into a large library of cooperative-based gameplay titles these days, but it is good to see the horror genre is starting to get some really solid titles as well. One of the latest, and possibly greatest, titles to bring co-op horror to players has to be GTFO by 10 Chambers. While this game has been in Steam Early Access for quite some time now, they are still regularly getting updates that bring value to both new and old players. Now that the game is pretty far into development, even if it isn’t complete, I thought it was time to give it a real shot and see how it is going since it first launched in late 2019, which I can admit that I was not disappointed.


Players can go into a map either solo or with up to 3 other players. Forming a 4-man squad is definitely suggested though as this is a difficult game. Each player will be able to set themselves up with their main weapon, secondary weapon, melee weapon, and a tool. Strategy begins right here as you want to make sure the whole squad is properly set up with a mixture of tools and weapon types in order to properly execute a level, if you hope to succeed that is.

Once you pick your level, which is set up like a hive where you start at the top layer and can go deeper into the depths as you complete levels successfully, you have to decide how to approach it. There is the main objective, which must be completed no matter what, and an optional side objective that increases the difficulty. What makes the difficulty increase depends on the level as you will either have to go through more areas with more enemies or some form of handicap will be placed on the map, such as turning out the lights.

There aren’t a wide variety of enemies, but the deeper into the hive you go the more you will come across. The main enemy you come across is called Sleepers. If done properly, players can take out Sleepers without alerting the room full of enemies by sneaking up close and landing a fully charged melee attack on their head. If you fail to kill them or get caught trying to sneak in close, they will end up alerting the room full of enemies. If a door is open and enemies in that room as well, it can very well alert those enemies along with the room they’re in.

Other enemies include a Sentry, which lets out tentacles to detect threats within a radius from it, Big Boys, which are just large beefy enemies that take a lot to kill and can deal a lot of damage, and a few others. I don’t want to give a full list because finding new enemies is part of what makes this game entertaining, but each enemy can be handled without alerting the entire room. It is all in your team’s approach to them.

While you will find yourself using your weapons interchangeably and accordingly, the team’s tools will be the important factor in your success. You have sentry guns, enemy detectors, and a glue gun to choose from. I suggest having two sentry’s and a glue gun as a minimal team set up. While most tools are obvious, the glue gun is used to seel a door shut or lay on the ground - either way, slowing down the inevitable horde that comes during certain sections of each level.

As you explore the map, you will come across lockers and boxes holding items to aid your team. From ammo refills, tool refills, and health packs, you will have a limited number of uses on these as well. Make sure you plan the use of each item and definitely save health packs for the later moments of a map as that is the hardest section and a player’s health will naturally refresh to 20%, which should be enough for most of the map.


I hope to see an even larger range of enemy types to be added to the game. While the enemies they have are pretty difficult as it is, there is no shame in adding mini-boss like guys that make the game a nightmare for even veteran players.

Fall damage needs to be worked on though. From my understanding, after talking with members in the community of players, this is a constant fluctuation from the developers as they make large development changes. If you ask me, just make it somewhat punishing if it is an actual fall, but taking damage from essentially jumping over the last stair on a staircase is a bit ridiculous.

Make the melee weapons have different uses as well. Right now, they are all the same thing with different names and styles. It’s nice to have a difference in weapon choices.


GTFO is an entertainingly challenging co-op with a gripping creepfest for its atmosphere! I am definitely glad to have finally given this game a chance and see where it is at. They are doing a pretty great job with the game’s development so far and I can’t wait to see what more they bring to the game in the future. Until then, you’ll be able to find me clearing the depths and completing some missions.